12:40 AM

I took at 20 minute nap around noon which went exceedingly well. I’m concerned that I may not be able to do 20 minute naps every day at noon, but this one went really well – I actually woke myself up at 20 minutes even though I set my alarm to give me 30 minutes. I had a brief dream during this nap. I felt completely refreshed and had an excellent afternoon. I was going to take another nap when I got off work around 5, but I was invited to dinner and this had to be put off until 9:00. This nap did not go quite as well, because I was already wide awake, so trying to fall asleep was difficult. I also had to go to acapella practice at 9:30, so I was concerned about being late, and had a rather poor quality nap. At around midnight I was feeling wide awake again, but I’m beginning to feel tired once more. I’m going to push it until 2:00 AM and get 5.25 hours of core and get up at 7:15, because I have noted that it seems I generally end a REM cycle around that time.

Wish me luck!

~ by earcaraxe on October 27, 2005.

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