
(Hypermedia blogging community)

A random jumble.

The internet is a collection of knowledge in short snippets. There is audio, video, text, and images. There are all of these things floating around in cyberspace. Blogging is important because it allows a lot of people to publish their ideas ontot he internet, but the idea of blogging can be extended greatly. Bloggers are constantly pushing their blgos into more and more complex technologies. There are podcasts, video podcasts, videos (ala youtube), images (flickr), news (digg), information (wikipedia).
All of these things are available for the blogger to cut apart and stick in his/her blog. Unfortunately most blogging takes advantage only of text.

The next generation of blogging is no doubt going to become and is headed to a multimedia blogging experience. Mixed medias, pictures, images, etc. All of these things can be arranged and rearranged to create knowledge. If a system were generated to easily incorporate video, audio, and text, cut them apart, snip them, put them back together again, it would greatly allow humans to reorganize data in meaningful ways.

This is the theory of the cutup. With all of the information out there, people can rearrange it from its original form to create new revelations. It does not have to be random, it can be human-guided and still provide insight. I believe that a system which encourages the mode of the cutup for blogging is one that would definitely succeed.

Right now the limitation appears to be on the attention span of the reader, all of the other media need to be organized into something that is short and that the user can observe and understand within a short period of time. More time generally means more bandwidth, and bandwidth is the limitation of the internet.

Anyway, sorry that this is all a jumble, but I will be updating with details in the future.

http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2004/08/03/primetime.html for further reading

Mike Minneman

~ by earcaraxe on October 21, 2007.

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